
Be The Change You Want to See in the World

I know, I know…Ghandi didn’t really say it…and that it’s a paraphrase of a much longer quote. Good, we got that out of the way. Now on to my musing.

This is a powerful sentiment: Be the change you want to see. It’s terrifying and liberating. And incredibly difficult to do. But a poignant call to action. Especially when at a crossroads or some sort of dilemma in life.

I took this sentiment to heart a number of years ago in grad school. Then, it was about using solar panels to charge my phone and riding a bicycle as much as possible to get healthy and try to reduce my dependence on automobility. As I’ve grown older and (hopefully) wiser, I see it can mean a lot more than simply leading by example. It can also be an overhaul of the self.

I’ve needed some change for a while. But wasn’t sure how to get it. Then it struck me. Just do it. Because there’s no reason why I couldn’t. I simply needed to make the decision and carry it out.

So I made the decision. This time, it wasn’t to prove anything to anyone else. It was to prove it to me. To show me I can do by being the change I wanted to see in the world.

What decision did I make? What did I do? Well, that’s what I’ll reveal to you in small bits here and my other output.

The Oregon Adventure is a huge deal. Because it meant changing everything. Making a decision and following through, living and embracing the changes I wanted and will want as my journey progresses.

Keep reading, you’ll see more of what I’m talking about as we walk this path further…


Back to the Beginning

I started this website a while back with a lot of good intentions. But, as we all know, the Road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Now is the time to fix that. It’s a new day, in a new place, doing all sorts of new things.

I have the incredible good fortune of a recent life reset. Meaning I get to change absolutely everything. Sorry, I’m going to vague-book you all a bit here. Can’t put too much personal information out on the interwebz, that wouldn’t be prudent. But suffice to say I get to start over and make out of all this what I will.

Join me on this journey, of finding out what I want to be when I grow up. And see how it’s never too late to start over, find a new direction, make changes, do new things, and get out into the world. I hope you’ll be amused and entertained. I know I will be!